Saturday, September 22, 2007

June Meeting

However . . . . we chose to gather as witnesses in the marriage celebration of two of our members. On Friday, June 1, 2007 Hector Aleman and Jessica Singh were united in marriage before friends and family in an evening ceremony at The Old Red Courthouse in downtown Dallas. The bride's dress (custom made in India) was adorned in bronze beading and styled in Indian tradition. The bride was radiant as a princess as she was escorted down the center asile by her proud father. The groom wore a brown pinstriped suit which complimented the detailed beading of his bride's dress. The wedding ceremony was performed by Pastors Michael Rowan and Gordon Banks of Covenant Church (Carrollton) Hector and Jessica's home church. bondfire ministries' own Pastor Israel Piotter served as the Best Man and Mr. Chris Leal as one of the groomsmen. The formal seated dinner reception followed the ceremony which included an array of Indian foods and the traditional groom's toast and "the cutting of the cake" were all part of the evening's celebration. As the early morning hour approached, Hector and Jessica's "BIG DAY" came to an end, Mr. and Mrs. Aleman were met on the steps of this historic building by the wedding party, family, friends and guests, then wisked away to their suite at the Belmont Hotel.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

May Meeting

In place of our regular format, we opted for holding a special recognition for one the young ladies of our ministry. On Friday, May 11, 2007 Sonia Lee graduated from Dallas Baptist University (DBU) with her B.A. in Psychology, so on Saturday, May 12 bondfire ministries held a special Graudation Reception for her, on this monumental event in her life. Our Ministry Leader Israel, lead the group of 40+ guests in a special prayer for Sonia, a prayer of thanksgiving for the accomplishments in her college career, but also a prayer of commissioning her to continuing doing GOD'S work.
The evening was a special one for Sonia, as close friends from every age group and background served as a witness of the lives she has touched. This special occasion was one of fun, laughter, good food and great fellowship.
Sonia's plans are to continue her education and in September she will endeavor to begin her studies towards her Masters Degree in Psychology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, with a goal of obtaining her PhD. and do missionary work during the summers.

April Meeting

bondfire ministries held it's April meeting on Saturday, April 7, 2007. Our ministry leader, Israel Piotter and his Assistant, David Martinez have sought to incorporate testamonies of others from within the ministry's core group of memebers and give them the opportunity to be our featured speakers. For the month of April, one of our team members, Hector Aleman, was our guest speaker. Although this was not the first time for him speak before a our group, it was his first time "teaching". Several months ago, Hector gave his testimony as to the change that GOD had made in his life since October 23, 2005 when he gave his life to GOD at our meeting. So this being his second time to be before us, is was an adjustment for him, to assume the role as "teacher" rather than that of the "student".
Hector's subject was Willingness. He shared key words of his subject and gave good, strong definitions of contrasting views about ignorance and willingness and how the two, if we're not careful, will truly understand and experience the meaning of each of both. Ignorance: lacking education or knowledge; not aware; lacking comprehension. Ignorance sometimes is a choice we make, we choose to NOT get educated, NOT to be exposed to other cultures, NOT to listen to our elders, NOT to understand. Willingness on the other hand, was defined as: the mental ability to decide or choose for oneself, strong desire or determination. To bring about an act of a will.
We learned how Moses, after being told by God to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses gave God every excuse why he couldn't go to Pharaoh, (Moses gave God seven excuses). Although when God has given us a mandate, we often give him meaningless excuses. When God gives us the call, we are quick to remind Him of our flaws. Regardless as to what he calls us to do, we need be aware and understand, that it is HE that we go before us and prepare the way and hearts of those we are called to reach and rescue.
We saw how Esther made the "decision" the "strong desire" if you will, to approach the King. We see how Isaiah made "an act of a will" by telling God, "Here I am, send me!" We were submitted the resounding question, "Am I willing?" By the end of the evening, I believe several were pondering with the reality of that question, "Am I willing?" What's in my life that will make it hard for me to be obedient to the leading of God's call. Forget about the excuses, don't be ignorant, but act on what HE'S placed in your heart to do.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

March Meeting

bondfire ministries held it's March meeting on Saturday, March 3, 2007. Our ministry leader Israel has decided to allow others to come in and share from the Word and their heart. As we strive to incorporate different ministry techniques to enhance an already effective ministry, having a featured or guest speaker helps to create variety in teaching/speaking styles. For March, David Martinez was given the opportunity to speak to us, by sharing his testimony. He used the subject "The Story That Cannot Be Told" , although one may think "if it can't be told, what was he telling them?" Good question and here's the answer.
As we travel on this journey called life, we experience so many things. Situations that mold our young minds, oppositions that sharpen our character as we grow into adulthood. Birth of a child or the death of a parent or sibling, career moves and job losses, buying a new home or going on a much antiscipated vacation. All of these references are stories that cannot be told with the passion, drive, excitment, pain, humor or candor unless you've experienced it yourself.
NO ONE can share your testimony like you can, therefore it is a story that cannot be told . . . . by anyone else but YOU. David's story was one of strength, hope and deliverance. A story of extreme candid memories and the pursuit to serve God in the midst of betrail, lies, rejection and hurt, all of which were inflicted by the Church. Having the "grace" to fulfill his daily tasks at a church where he was interning yet not knowing if he would have a meal that day. As David stated "I didn't have any money, but i had my pride" has he mentioned nothing of his dire situation to his family and friends.
He shared as how the enemy sought to distroy him even before he was born, when a dark desire from his father was to have him aborted because the pregnacy was an unplanned one. Experiencing the "indirect" rejection by his father at an early age, made him shy in his youth, but a man of focus and drive as an adult, and thankfully God came into the life of this brother.
Whatever God has brought you out of, remember this. Your testimony has the ability to tug at the hearts of the listener, especially those who have yet to know the Lord. It serves as an encouragement to the believer but as a tool to reach the lost. What has He brought you out of? Don't hold your story to yourself, remember, others can't tell it like you can, just like no one could have told David's like he did.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

"No More Dead Lions" Men's Conference

Jay Alfaro, Founder of JAM Ministries, will be hosting his first ever "No More Dead Lions" Men's Conference, April 20 & 21, 2007 at the Radisson Hotel Fort Worth. Keynote Speaker will be Rev. Elias Flores from California and Lloyd Spence and Band as musical guests. In addition to anointed speakers, praise and worship there will great give-aways such as: golf clubs, tools, sports jerseys, fishing rods, x-box games and much more.
So mark your calendars and plan to attend this awesome event.
Conference Location
Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21, 2007
Radission Hotel Fort Worth
2540 Meacham Road
Fort Worth, Texas
(817) 625-9911
Special Room Rate at $99.00
(when booking room let them know you're attending the JAM Ministries event)
Conference Schedule
Friday, April 20, 7:30 p.m.
Kick-Off Service
with Special Music, Preaching, Give-Aways and Fellowship
Saturday, April 21, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Small Group Sessions (TBA)
General/Closing Session
(Saturday is "Wear Your Favorite Team" sport gear)
Conference Registration
$25.00 per person
(due/post marked before April 9)
$30.00 per person
(after April 10 and at door)
Send Correspondence
JAM Ministries
Rev. Jay Alfaro
220 Kings Way Court
Rhome, Texas 76078
(214) 405-4080

JAM Ministries Men's Breakfast

JAM Ministries held it's first Men's Breakfast of 2007 on Saturday, February 10, 2007. Jay Alfaro, founder of JAM Ministries along with leaders from his ministry were in attendance for the morning fellowship. These monthly breakfasts are geared to allow men to come together in an environment that is comfortable, encouraging and most of all needed. Jay shared with us the vision that God has birth in him to minister to needs of men in ministry or simply put, the needs of Christian brothers who need the fellowship, acceptance, validation, affirmation, love and accountability of other brothers.
These monthly gatherings help in this particular area of a man's life. Warm Godly fellowship in a "non-intimidating" setting. bondfire ministries leader Israel Piotter and myself attended this breakfast and it was very refreshing to be in the company of good Christian men. I would encourage the men of bondfire ministries to consider attending the next gathering. Jay has in place Lions Regional Reps in the D/FW area, so if you would like to attend March's breakfast, please feel free to contact me clicking on the e-mail address below and I will be happy to pass along any information you may need.
David Martinez

February Meeting

bondfire ministries held it's February meeting on Saturday, February 3, 2007. There was a special move of God that evening as Clint Bass lead us in a time of worship. Our Ministry Leader, Israel taught on the subject of fear and used the passage found in Numbers 13:27-32 and 2 Samuel 23:20-23. In the passage from Numbers we learn that as the children of Israel heard that this land that they were to posess was a land of plenty, Caleb took a stand and said "Let us go up at once and taken possession, for we are well able to overcome it." However, here's the twist, the very men that had with him said "We are not able to up against the people, for they are stronger than we."

Fear had settled within the camp, faith and fear, certainty and doubt, boldness and cowardness cohabitating within the same group of people. Caleb was a man of passion and drive, ready to possess the land, while other stood frozen in their fear because because they were looked upon as grasshoppers.

What is it that you fear? What is it that stops you dead in your tracks? Do you see what's before you as a giant, stronger than you and you see yourself as small as a grasshopper. These are opportunities to allow your faith to rise within you to overcome and be victorious. Greatness is often accomplished in the hardships of life. Fear that overtakes us can be the fear of: failure/looking like a fool/lack of control/emotional pain/lonliness and the list goes on.

In the passage from 2 Samuel 23 we see Benaiah, one who was a valiant man from Kabzeel. This man killed "two lion-like heros from Moab" and an armed Egyptian (warrior). The scripture states "The Egyptian had a spear in his hand; so he (Benaiah) went down to him with a staff and wrestled the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and killed him with his own spear." If that wasn't enough, he was honored by King David by having been appointed over his guard.
When we've attained the victory over that or those thing(s) that bring fear into us, will we be men and women who will be honored by GOD? He and He alone is the source of our faith, strength, passion and victory. So if you feel you're back is againt the wall and fear has overwhelmed you, remember who is IN you, and face your giant eye to eye and face to face and take possession of the victory.
Monica Taugh (guest of Misty Furry)
Dustin Davila (guest of Drew Nutt)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

January Meeting

bondfire ministries held it's January meeting on Saturday, January 6, 2007. Although we had a small group attending, GOD moved in a special way. Our Pastor Israel, shared from the Word and taught the importance of intercessory prayer, fasting and the the need that the body of Christ has in calling out to GOD on behalf of others. Our teaching was based out of Genesis 17:8-16, if you're familiar with this passage, this is the account of Israel in battle with the Amalekites and as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites prevailed; and when he let down his hands the Amalekites prevailed. After they had place stones under Moses' arms for support since they had become too heavy, Aaron and Hur supported his hands by one standing on each side of Moses.

The scriptures state that Joshua defeated the Amalekites and later Moses built an altar and called it's name The-LORD-Is-My-Banner. There will be times in our lives that we will need the aid of our brothers and sisters as we fight through this journey called life. For some of us it may seem that all is well and that we are on "Easy Street" and that everyone around us are the ones facing adversity. I've often heard my pastor use this phase, it's a little harsh, but there's a harsh truth about it. "If you live long enough, life has a way to shut you up" There will be a time in your life that life will hand you something that you cannot handle on your own, and the only way you manage to make it, is with the help of others holding you up in prayer on your behalf.

The loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, a spouse that has been unfaithful, sickness and disease, a rebellious child, a foreclosure on the house, a pregnant unwed daughter . . . . things that life just has a way of coming our way and now we find ourselves having to deal with something we've never had to deal with before. Oh, but how comforting it is to know that we can call on others to interceed for us as they stand beside us in the Spirit.

We also referenced Daniel 10:12, this is where the angel of the Lord came to Daniel and spoke these words to him, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day . . . your words were heard; and I have come because of your words." As we learn from these passage there was a struggle in the Spiritual realm as the prince of Persia withheld the angel of the Lord for 21 days and Michael, one of the chief princes came to the aid of this angel.

We were encouraged to never let the circumstances of the natural to overtake us, GOD will always have His angel to encamp around us and to also fight on our behalf.

At the close of our meeting, we prayed intensely for those that GOD had from bondfire in different parts of the world ministering to the lost and for those here at home that need the undergirding of their fellow brothers and sisters. Lastly, we closed by making a committed unifying decree to fast for a week. Although some have continued to fast for 21 days, GOD will ultimately honor our efforts, sacrifices but most importantly our obedience to this call to stand in the gap for others.
Andrea Liu (guest of Paul Mordi)

Monday, January 8, 2007


Kevin Gonzales from Espanola, New Mexico: UPDATE!
We recently received an update on Kevin's prayer request. In another message not previously posted, Kevin had a desire to work in full time ministry. Here is what he has to say: ". . . my last day at my current job is Thursday, but God has opened the door and I am starting as the full-time youth pastor at my church. I am so excited and grateful to what God is doing. This is the first paid position in the church besides the Pastor, so it is all new, but I know that this was the right time. It has always been my desire. . ." It's awesome to see what GOD has been for this brother. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

Gregory Fisher from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: UPDATE!
This brother from OKC happens to be an old college buddy of bondfire's member, David Martinez. This is what was recently shared with us: "Chance is doing ok. He's keeping his spirits up, which is good. The the doctors aren't giving him much hope of recovery as far as the paralysis goes, but I have an answer from God (Thats' awesome!) that my cousin will walk again. Please continue praying for him." Please friends, let continue to pray for this young man, Chance Fisher. Remember, he's just 18 years old, for the guys who are reading this, remember your life when you are 18? This young man is at a turning point in his life (in general), but now he has to deal with the reality that he cannot walk (YET!).

Seth Herrell from Palestine, Texas: UPDATE!
A prayer request for Seth was presented during our December Meeting. He asked for prayer regarding finances to return to school, Seth recently sent us and update, here's what is stated: " . . . . (it) look like I'll be staying in p-town (Palestine) for a while, though I'm starting to think that God may be working on some things in me and all this is part of his devine plan". Let's continue to keep this young man in prayer and may this "season" of being away from school, may be a time that God move in his life like never before.

Sonia Lee from Dallas, Texas UPDATE!
Sonia left for a mission trip during the latter part of December, and as of this posting she is still overseas. She and a small team of others were on their way to Niger (in Africa) to do some missionary work in a remote area of Niger. Where some would see it as "bad luck", God placed her and about 8 or 9 others from her team in Paris, France. Having her heart set in ministering to the people of Niger, in a recent e-mail message, Sonia writes: "This city is beautiful with lights that glitter everywhere, but beyond that, I see the intense darkness in the air surrounding people everywhere, and I see the void in their eyes and it is heartbreaking. At first I felt distraugt at the impossibility to reach out as planned to a particular unreached people . . . but then I understood that the people here are just as unreached as nay other unreached group". God has an amazing way to work out his plan, even if it goes different than what we may have planned. Continue to pray for this group of fellow brothers and sisters carrying out the gospel in France.