Saturday, August 11, 2007

May Meeting

In place of our regular format, we opted for holding a special recognition for one the young ladies of our ministry. On Friday, May 11, 2007 Sonia Lee graduated from Dallas Baptist University (DBU) with her B.A. in Psychology, so on Saturday, May 12 bondfire ministries held a special Graudation Reception for her, on this monumental event in her life. Our Ministry Leader Israel, lead the group of 40+ guests in a special prayer for Sonia, a prayer of thanksgiving for the accomplishments in her college career, but also a prayer of commissioning her to continuing doing GOD'S work.
The evening was a special one for Sonia, as close friends from every age group and background served as a witness of the lives she has touched. This special occasion was one of fun, laughter, good food and great fellowship.
Sonia's plans are to continue her education and in September she will endeavor to begin her studies towards her Masters Degree in Psychology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, with a goal of obtaining her PhD. and do missionary work during the summers.

April Meeting

bondfire ministries held it's April meeting on Saturday, April 7, 2007. Our ministry leader, Israel Piotter and his Assistant, David Martinez have sought to incorporate testamonies of others from within the ministry's core group of memebers and give them the opportunity to be our featured speakers. For the month of April, one of our team members, Hector Aleman, was our guest speaker. Although this was not the first time for him speak before a our group, it was his first time "teaching". Several months ago, Hector gave his testimony as to the change that GOD had made in his life since October 23, 2005 when he gave his life to GOD at our meeting. So this being his second time to be before us, is was an adjustment for him, to assume the role as "teacher" rather than that of the "student".
Hector's subject was Willingness. He shared key words of his subject and gave good, strong definitions of contrasting views about ignorance and willingness and how the two, if we're not careful, will truly understand and experience the meaning of each of both. Ignorance: lacking education or knowledge; not aware; lacking comprehension. Ignorance sometimes is a choice we make, we choose to NOT get educated, NOT to be exposed to other cultures, NOT to listen to our elders, NOT to understand. Willingness on the other hand, was defined as: the mental ability to decide or choose for oneself, strong desire or determination. To bring about an act of a will.
We learned how Moses, after being told by God to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses gave God every excuse why he couldn't go to Pharaoh, (Moses gave God seven excuses). Although when God has given us a mandate, we often give him meaningless excuses. When God gives us the call, we are quick to remind Him of our flaws. Regardless as to what he calls us to do, we need be aware and understand, that it is HE that we go before us and prepare the way and hearts of those we are called to reach and rescue.
We saw how Esther made the "decision" the "strong desire" if you will, to approach the King. We see how Isaiah made "an act of a will" by telling God, "Here I am, send me!" We were submitted the resounding question, "Am I willing?" By the end of the evening, I believe several were pondering with the reality of that question, "Am I willing?" What's in my life that will make it hard for me to be obedient to the leading of God's call. Forget about the excuses, don't be ignorant, but act on what HE'S placed in your heart to do.