Saturday, February 17, 2007

"No More Dead Lions" Men's Conference

Jay Alfaro, Founder of JAM Ministries, will be hosting his first ever "No More Dead Lions" Men's Conference, April 20 & 21, 2007 at the Radisson Hotel Fort Worth. Keynote Speaker will be Rev. Elias Flores from California and Lloyd Spence and Band as musical guests. In addition to anointed speakers, praise and worship there will great give-aways such as: golf clubs, tools, sports jerseys, fishing rods, x-box games and much more.
So mark your calendars and plan to attend this awesome event.
Conference Location
Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21, 2007
Radission Hotel Fort Worth
2540 Meacham Road
Fort Worth, Texas
(817) 625-9911
Special Room Rate at $99.00
(when booking room let them know you're attending the JAM Ministries event)
Conference Schedule
Friday, April 20, 7:30 p.m.
Kick-Off Service
with Special Music, Preaching, Give-Aways and Fellowship
Saturday, April 21, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Small Group Sessions (TBA)
General/Closing Session
(Saturday is "Wear Your Favorite Team" sport gear)
Conference Registration
$25.00 per person
(due/post marked before April 9)
$30.00 per person
(after April 10 and at door)
Send Correspondence
JAM Ministries
Rev. Jay Alfaro
220 Kings Way Court
Rhome, Texas 76078
(214) 405-4080

JAM Ministries Men's Breakfast

JAM Ministries held it's first Men's Breakfast of 2007 on Saturday, February 10, 2007. Jay Alfaro, founder of JAM Ministries along with leaders from his ministry were in attendance for the morning fellowship. These monthly breakfasts are geared to allow men to come together in an environment that is comfortable, encouraging and most of all needed. Jay shared with us the vision that God has birth in him to minister to needs of men in ministry or simply put, the needs of Christian brothers who need the fellowship, acceptance, validation, affirmation, love and accountability of other brothers.
These monthly gatherings help in this particular area of a man's life. Warm Godly fellowship in a "non-intimidating" setting. bondfire ministries leader Israel Piotter and myself attended this breakfast and it was very refreshing to be in the company of good Christian men. I would encourage the men of bondfire ministries to consider attending the next gathering. Jay has in place Lions Regional Reps in the D/FW area, so if you would like to attend March's breakfast, please feel free to contact me clicking on the e-mail address below and I will be happy to pass along any information you may need.
David Martinez

February Meeting

bondfire ministries held it's February meeting on Saturday, February 3, 2007. There was a special move of God that evening as Clint Bass lead us in a time of worship. Our Ministry Leader, Israel taught on the subject of fear and used the passage found in Numbers 13:27-32 and 2 Samuel 23:20-23. In the passage from Numbers we learn that as the children of Israel heard that this land that they were to posess was a land of plenty, Caleb took a stand and said "Let us go up at once and taken possession, for we are well able to overcome it." However, here's the twist, the very men that had with him said "We are not able to up against the people, for they are stronger than we."

Fear had settled within the camp, faith and fear, certainty and doubt, boldness and cowardness cohabitating within the same group of people. Caleb was a man of passion and drive, ready to possess the land, while other stood frozen in their fear because because they were looked upon as grasshoppers.

What is it that you fear? What is it that stops you dead in your tracks? Do you see what's before you as a giant, stronger than you and you see yourself as small as a grasshopper. These are opportunities to allow your faith to rise within you to overcome and be victorious. Greatness is often accomplished in the hardships of life. Fear that overtakes us can be the fear of: failure/looking like a fool/lack of control/emotional pain/lonliness and the list goes on.

In the passage from 2 Samuel 23 we see Benaiah, one who was a valiant man from Kabzeel. This man killed "two lion-like heros from Moab" and an armed Egyptian (warrior). The scripture states "The Egyptian had a spear in his hand; so he (Benaiah) went down to him with a staff and wrestled the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and killed him with his own spear." If that wasn't enough, he was honored by King David by having been appointed over his guard.
When we've attained the victory over that or those thing(s) that bring fear into us, will we be men and women who will be honored by GOD? He and He alone is the source of our faith, strength, passion and victory. So if you feel you're back is againt the wall and fear has overwhelmed you, remember who is IN you, and face your giant eye to eye and face to face and take possession of the victory.
Monica Taugh (guest of Misty Furry)
Dustin Davila (guest of Drew Nutt)