Saturday, December 9, 2006

Decemeber Meeting

bondfire ministries held it's monthly meeting this past Saturday, December 9, 2006. Our Pastor, Israel shared from the Word and taught on the subject of "Desert But Not Deserted". We were taught that when we are going through those seasons in our Christian walk that seem like we are being lead into the "wilderness", it's not so most as a time of punishment or correction, but a time to have an encounter and experience with God.

We learned that Moses (Ex. 3:1) found himself leading Jethro's flock "to the far side of the desert" and after he had arrived at Mount Horeb (Mountain of God) the angel of the Lord appeared to him within the flames of a bush. As Moses got closer, that is when the voice of the Lord spoke to him, and told him to draw closer. We see here that after his journey to the far side of the desert, Moses had his God encounter.

Another person that has taught us a lesson in the same context, is Jacob. As we see Jacob traveling to see his brother Esau, there was a point that he was left all alone (Gen. 32:24a) and that's when he wrestled with the angel until daybreak. One of the key elements of this passage is when Jacob told the angel "I will not let you go unless you bless me". At times it takes each of us to have that kind of drive and tenacity to have an encounter with God. A place that we are so changed by the power of God that we will never walk the same again, a place that will, so to speak, will change our name.

Our primary example in having a "wilderness" or "desert" experience, is Jesus Christ. Having reached the place during His baptism in the latter part of Luke 3, we see that in Chapter 4 He is "lead" to the wilderness "by the Spirit" to be tempted (tested) by the devil.

Not every desert experience will lead to testing, but undoubtedly, some will and it's those times, that we need to have the Word of God in our hearts and minds to help us overcome the enemy. Others will merely bring to the forefront, our complete confidence and trust in the One that has allowed for us to travel on this temporary trek. Remember, just because we find ourselves in a desert, doesn't mean we've been deserted.
Drew Nutt (guest of Tony and Sara Privitt)
Seth Herrell - For finances so he may be able to return to school (CFNI) in the Spring.
Sonia Lee - For finances, protection and Spiritual preparation for her mission trip to Africa.

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