Monday, January 8, 2007


Kevin Gonzales from Espanola, New Mexico: UPDATE!
We recently received an update on Kevin's prayer request. In another message not previously posted, Kevin had a desire to work in full time ministry. Here is what he has to say: ". . . my last day at my current job is Thursday, but God has opened the door and I am starting as the full-time youth pastor at my church. I am so excited and grateful to what God is doing. This is the first paid position in the church besides the Pastor, so it is all new, but I know that this was the right time. It has always been my desire. . ." It's awesome to see what GOD has been for this brother. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

Gregory Fisher from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: UPDATE!
This brother from OKC happens to be an old college buddy of bondfire's member, David Martinez. This is what was recently shared with us: "Chance is doing ok. He's keeping his spirits up, which is good. The the doctors aren't giving him much hope of recovery as far as the paralysis goes, but I have an answer from God (Thats' awesome!) that my cousin will walk again. Please continue praying for him." Please friends, let continue to pray for this young man, Chance Fisher. Remember, he's just 18 years old, for the guys who are reading this, remember your life when you are 18? This young man is at a turning point in his life (in general), but now he has to deal with the reality that he cannot walk (YET!).

Seth Herrell from Palestine, Texas: UPDATE!
A prayer request for Seth was presented during our December Meeting. He asked for prayer regarding finances to return to school, Seth recently sent us and update, here's what is stated: " . . . . (it) look like I'll be staying in p-town (Palestine) for a while, though I'm starting to think that God may be working on some things in me and all this is part of his devine plan". Let's continue to keep this young man in prayer and may this "season" of being away from school, may be a time that God move in his life like never before.

Sonia Lee from Dallas, Texas UPDATE!
Sonia left for a mission trip during the latter part of December, and as of this posting she is still overseas. She and a small team of others were on their way to Niger (in Africa) to do some missionary work in a remote area of Niger. Where some would see it as "bad luck", God placed her and about 8 or 9 others from her team in Paris, France. Having her heart set in ministering to the people of Niger, in a recent e-mail message, Sonia writes: "This city is beautiful with lights that glitter everywhere, but beyond that, I see the intense darkness in the air surrounding people everywhere, and I see the void in their eyes and it is heartbreaking. At first I felt distraugt at the impossibility to reach out as planned to a particular unreached people . . . but then I understood that the people here are just as unreached as nay other unreached group". God has an amazing way to work out his plan, even if it goes different than what we may have planned. Continue to pray for this group of fellow brothers and sisters carrying out the gospel in France.

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